10 Postive Affirmations To Start Your Day On A Great Note


"A closed mouth, is a closed destiny" - Dr. David.O. Oyedepo.

How do you start your day?

I have always heard about positive affirmations/confessions but never took them seriously until January 2015 when i decided to start my day by speaking into it due to various testimonies from other people on how it had helped them daily; since then it has been a part of my morning routine.

Affirmations are short, but powerful statements that help bring something to be true in your subconscious mind; like a renewal mechanism sort of.

I usually say it at the start of the day usually after my morning devotions, In the shower or as i prepare to leave the house. I end up starting my day up-beat and ready to take up whatever the has to offer.

Want to start your day with so much positivity that practically overflows to your surroundings? Use these affirmations or you can decide to create your own.

Ensure you write it down and speak them out loud for a few minutes each morning. 

Today, I am strong and healthy

Today, i am full of energy and overflowing with joy

Today, all things are working together for my good

I am powerful and i create a life i desire

Today, i would smile more and worry less

Today, i find favor in the sight of God and mankind

I am unique

Today, i have enough time to accomplish all i
need to do

Today, i add value to my surroundings

Today, i prosper in all i lay my hands to do

Are affirmations a part of your daily routine?



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